Thursday, August 19, 2010

Update on the Old Marine

Today my Dad was moved out of intensive care and into a regular room. He is still receiving great care, and visits from the Marines, The VFW, the Moose Lodge, and several others. This makes it a lot easier on him since he is over 100 miles from home. He has also been walking around which is great cause Saturday he could not get his left leg to move at all.

Thanks to everyone that has prayed for his speedy recovery. Please do not stop, he lived a rock star lifestyle for years, and it is catching up with him. But he is doing better.


Not as Lean, Not as Mean but Still a Marine

This post has been rattling around in my head since last Thursday morning. I just have not had the time, or even the desire to put the words out there. I received a voice mail from my younger Brother, that my Dad (Step Father, but he is my Dad) was in the hospital in Madison Wisconsin. I was of course on the road and about 600 miles away from him. I waited until a reasonable hour and started calling to find out what was up. Turns out my Dad, the Old Marine, who is not as lean, nor as mean but still a Marine, has landed in the Madison VA hospital. He was pretty sick, but it seems that he is still a fighting machine because he is getting better. He spent about seven days in intensive care, but should be moving to a regular room today. He is recovering, and I pray that I am half as tough as he is when I am 60. I will be updating how the Old Marine ( a nickname given to him while participating three times on Run For The Wall) is doing here as he progresses. Thanks to all his friends and mine for all the good words, and prayers.
Note to self do not fall asleep on any more hospital waiting room floors, they are hard and cold. Do get a blanket from the nice intensive care nurse (They keep them in a heater and they are soooooooo warm)
You may notice by the above note that I had a long weekend, but I am back on the road now, will be trying to get back and see my Dad and Mom and the rest of my Family a little more. After all I discovered that a person cannot work all the time no matter what the situation is, things can be replaced, family cannot.
