Sunday, February 9, 2025

What is Reluctant Dragonfly, and why is it important

First a quick update on me.  I have retired from truck driving and training drivers.  I loved this job and enjoyed the folks I worked with.   But it was literally killing me.   In 2021 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.   Initially I was taking direct insulin injections and 4 thousand milligrams a day of  Metphormine.   After about 3 months I got my sugar under control.  My A1C was a half a point over 14 and that was bad. My Daily sugar was above 500.   I changed my diet and lost weight.  Currently my A1C is about 5.2 and I take one 50 milligram pill a day for that.   I went from 325 lbs. to 260 lbs. and dropped 3 pant sizes.  This happened because I got out of the truck.   I worked very hard to get back into the truck and hated it.  So, I quit driving.  I still have my CDL and at the end of November I am going to have an actual sleep study done.  (Not the BS put this on your wrist and try to sleep in the truck kind, but a real sleep study) I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, but since I lost weight and started eating properly and getting real exercise the weight is staying off and the sugar has normalized.   I sleep well and the machine they forced me to buy is not working, hence the real sleep study.   I am feeling better, and I have a great puppy.  I also have a new wife.   The length of time that it took to get the sleep study was too long.  I have lost my CDL.  May be able to get it back but not any time soon.

Study results are in.  In January I was given a new mask and my machine was adjusted so that it will work to treat my apnea.  Been using it every day and it seems to be working.  I am sleeping better and actually getting real rest.  Unfortunately the state has pulled my CDL because it took too long.  Could not pass a physical without the machine.  So now I will try to get it back, probably in March or April.

Now for the story of the Reluctant Dragonfly:

Dragonflies can stay in their Nymph stage for years.  It is like they do not want to grow up.  Then when they do, they sometimes seem to be hovering in one spot.  This is caused by their reluctance to progress.  

My wife has published a book that deals with healing and overcoming Post Traumatic Stress.   Her idea is to help veterans, and first responders deal with these problems.  The book is titles "The Word and the Master Healer".   I helped her review and edit this.  She wrote it years ago, but we updated it and added a chapter for veterans and first responders.  LeeAnn is pretty special. She is a certified "Body Code", "Emotion Code" and "Belief Code " Healer.   She is also Reiki Master healer.   Her book attempts to encourage folks to heal themselves.   She has worked very hard to help me and has done some good there.  I am not hurting as much as I used to.  

So Reluctant Dragonfly is the LLC LeeAnn and I formed for truck driving, but it has changed to a publishing company.  You might be able to find us/it on You Tube as soon as we figure out how to utilize that platform.   Our videos will be about healing and coping with PTS.  Some call this a disorder, but I refuse to accept that. Post Traumatic Stress is just something that comes with the job of being in the military or responding to bad things.  It is not a disorder, it is a problem that can be solved.  The book is available in its updated form from Amazon and Kindle.   Try looking at it, cause it may help.

In addition to all of that please look up Neptune Warrior.  This 501C3 is helping veterans and first responders cope with Post Traumatic Stress in a unique way and they need help to help.

 Wow it seems like forever since I was in here to type out a post.  Sorry but 2024 just seemed to fly by.   I got married for the third time last January.  I am working at least till the end of this month as a cook in the Goldthwaite TX senior center.   Lots of great folks there, but I have to leave.  Billie is back and I am not needed any longer.   This will be hard to do, but in the end it is best for all concerned.   The job was fun, and cooking for the seniors there was both interesting and challenging.   I made a lot of friends, and had a good time.  But working seven and eight hours a day without a break, and walking almost 10k steps everyday has taken its toll on me.

I have a good friend who thinks that I will have to work until I am 90 just because if I do not I will waste away.  He is probably right.  I am looking for a new job and may get one in March.

Now for an update on Clyde.  He is out of service even though he has new tires and new brakes, and was ready to ride, sitting for a year and a half has caused him some problems.  I plan to take him to a bike shop and have his carbs cleaned and tuned next month.  That may take a while as it is a very busy shop.  But the folks there seem honest.  As for Big Red, there are warranty issues and oil leaks to fix there.  Same shop probably at the same time.

Now for a few words on life in general.  I am going to be 70 this year, and I wish that I could retire, ride the bike and go fishing.  There is fishing near me, but it requires a boat, and I do not have one.  I will go pier fishing when it gets a little warmer, because I cannot afford a boat.  I will be vlogging on you tube soon.  Who knows it may take off and then I can retire except for videos.  I have a dog.  I have mentioned her here before.  Jessica is a Boston Terrier Border Collie mix (he mom looked more like a bull dog than a Boston)  But she has Boston Terrier hair, Border Collie markings and is super smart and very well behaved.  She Chases a Frisby and will catch in the air.   She will bring it back but wants to play keep away when she does.  We are working on that.   There are videos on my You Tube channel.  @bouncefng05.  There is one of her getting ice cream after a visit to the vet and one of her playing with a Frisby.  All in all she is a smart little dog and very loving.  She is also very sensitive and knows when I am down and will try to make me smile.  she also smiles herself.  Well at least I think it is a smile.  Might just be her lip raising up.

So any way I will be posting much more often.  If you find the you tube page, watch and if you enjoy it like subscribe comment and share.  Thanks

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