The reason for the picture is of course I was in the Air Force, and this is a trailer and bike that is on the Run. I thought it was really cool, and it is. Not sure what year car it is supposed to represent, and I do not even know who owns it, but it is way way cool.
Tomorrow we depart. I stopped to buy an "All The Way 2013" patch last night, and they were completely sold out. I got one today because their reorder came in, but that is scary cause that means a lot of people are going all the Way to DC from here. Estimate this morning was abut 550 bikes on each route. We have a police escort out of here, and the San Bernadino County Sheriff is taking us through the Yermo, CA Marine Corps base on our way to Barstow, CA. it is a few extra miles, we have never done it before, but he is the guy escorting and he has a badge and a gun, who are we to argue?
Shore Party is getting a VERY Positive Response to his CD for the Kids at Rainelle, WV.
OK gotta cut this one short, lots of meeting to attend then early to bed, early to rise, tomorrow we Ride For Those Who Can't.
Additional Memo to Clyde, you will be running on 91 octane for the next 10 days, get used to it pal, I will mix it with cheap stuff at the night stops just to keep you from back firing too much,.
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