I am 135 miles from home. I delivered my remembrance and the flag the the staff at OOIDA signed. I also left my POW bracelet for Bo there too. There were a lot of those there.
Our mission is simple, we demand that the Government follow through and bring the Missing In Action, and KIA home. We know where most of the remains from Vietnam are, we just can't afford to go there and get them. Paying Congress is more important. If this were a political blog, I would start ranting now, but it is not.
One Truck Driver told me over the radio that we should not be on his road. My answer to him was simple.
I said "Driver if you do not want these motorcycles out here, disrupting your day, sit down and write your Congressman, and State Senators a letter demanding that the 132,000 left behind since WWI be returned. When they all come home we won't have to do this." He responded that we were doing nothing.
Not exactly true, 26 years ago there were no POW/MIA flags, now they fly on fifty Capital Buildings, and at our Embassies around the world, and at our bases too. The Honor and Remember Flag also flies at some State Capitals, and that is directly attributable to Run For the Wall, and Rolling Thunder.
Yes Congress leaves town before we arrive, but they watch the news reports. They listen. We all write them letters, and they respond. Their responses are extremely lame, but they are hearing us.
This year I dedicated my ride to Bo, and the Marine that is being held in Mexico, and to the memory of Chuck Huskey. I also rode for Lt Badly

Me at the Wall placing Lt Badly's memory and the Flag I received at OOIDA. Lt Badly's name is on panel
46E, line 43/

Sorry the photos are so large, they were taken from face book and transferred here.