A lot of things have changed for me and good old Clyde this year. First off he is getting a ride most of the way to California. I trailered him to Ken and Carol Neufeld's home in Arlington Kansas. So this trip is going to be from Wasau, Wisconsin to Arlington, KS to Ontario, CA to Arlington VA back to Arlington, KS to Wausai Wisconsin.
We are using our new (it is not new, but it is new to us) motor home.

Today Ken and I and Jake whacked some golf balls around Ken's 9 hole golf course. Jake is 14 but he really had fun. He even hit the ball better than I did. Clyde got his oil changed, and some of his electronics updated. Retired the old Garmin Street Pilot that the maps can no longer be updated on, and set it up the new power plug a newer Garmin, and changed the power plug for the SiriusXM Radio.
The bike is ready for the Run, and will be loaded on the trailer in the morning.
Ken will be driving the Coach, and I will be on Clyde, but it has been raining a lot here, and after last years little mud bath we are going to give Clyde a little break.
Well We are on our way to Run For The Wall.
The plan is to sell the house and retire debt free and live in the motor home. Will have to do all that next year.
Many more posts to come.
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