Thursday, March 3, 2022

 First an apology to the four or five who read my posts here.  I have not been here since 2019. Covid is not my excuse. Life is.  Things have changed a lot for both me and Clyde since 2019. He has been fixed and is languishing in storage somewhere in Wisconsin.  His younger sister, aka Big Red (haven't ridden her enough to have any other name.  She is bid and she is red so I guess that works). My clothes, and a desk, a dresser and a bed and a lamp are in storage in Wisconsin. I have moved to Texas, and have not been in Wisconsin since September of 2019.   I am now divorced, not my idea, but I did  not fight it.

I still work for Stevens Transport, and still for the most part like my job.   Currently I am in a motel in Albuquerque, NM.  The wonderful new Freightliner I got a few months ago doesn't run properly, and right now the dealership it is at has no idea why.  They have had it since Monday, and did not even look at it until yesterday.  They are giving our Road Rescue a run around, but at least they have looked at it.  Main CPU keeps losing programing, the only way to start the truck is disconnect the battery cables, wait 5 minutes, reconnect and it works.  While parked at night it locks up again.  unfortunately it will also lock out the neutral on the transmission if turned off during the day.  Truck is set to only idle for three minutes, so it will shut down when getting out  to look, or opening the doors at a dock, and then won't start.  Then I have to disconnect batteries and reconnect to get it started. Sometimes the four way flashers work, sometimes they don't.  Along with that the traction control, anti roll back and lane departure switches and units do not work.  This truck only has 20,000 miles on it so it is a warranty issue and the shop it is at does not want to replace the computer in the truck.  If they get it fixed fine, if not I will just limp it back to Dallas and see if I can get a different truck.

Okay that is enough about me.

I have some exciting news

Run For The Wall has not been cancelled again for this year.  I am not going because I cannot afford it. I like everyone that does it. I love the mission, but I just cannot do it this year or next.  After I retire I may be able to.  In 2019 before it cancelled I resigned from my self made job of Central Route Communications team.   I hope the keep doing it but  I doubt seriously that they will.  Current leadership doesn't think what I did was important.  I know it was, but Central Route was the only route doing it.  I will be posting information here as I receive it, and OOIDA is supporting us again this year.  They were pretty happy that the Run is on.   I have no idea of the numbers, but since it has been two years I am betting that there will be a huge turn out this year.

So that is about it for now.  

Except that I plan to start a new blog.  No name for it yet, but it will be about my retirement, and Clyde may be in it.  I plan to give him to my son Luke. Clyde likes Luke and Luke rides very well.  Although Clyde is old, he is far from obsolete, new brakes, new tires, new clutch and all body work repairs done.  Old Clyde is pretty much like new.

I plan to buy a toy hauler trailer and see the country.  That is what the new blog will be about.  Might even try video blogging to.  Never too old to learn new things.

Thanks for reading.

comments are appreciated, suggestions on what you would like to see here, or maybe suggestions for the new blog?

Bounce is out

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back. Life can suck at times. Being retired and having traveled extensively, I hope you get that opportunity. We also worked in campgrounds for 6 summers. Gives you an opportunity to become a "local" and really get a feel for a place. We were in the redwoods far northern California, Black Hills, Durango,Co, and Bear Lake, Utah. Some for several years. I look forward to your new blog.


Thanks for your comment, positive or negative all comments will be posted to this blog so that everyone can see them. I will start moderating comments as of today. Please remember that the kids at Rainelle will be reading this blog. I will post your words but may blank anything inappropriate for k thru 12