Saturday, November 12, 2022

Recap for the week

 This week was pretty good.  I had a phone appointment with the VA about my treatment.  It went very well.  My numbers are very good.  I am switching to a primary care doctor in Goldthwaite TX.  I am hoping to be back at work before Christmas.  I will be changing from direct insulin shots to a pill that almost does the same thing but slower.  The technician that I talked to said I should start testing my sugar every other day and at different times of day.   That will take some getting used to.

Yesterday I went to a luncheon for Veterans day with Dean and Tish.  It was enjoyable, lots of good people there, several of the folks from the Senior Center are Veterans, and the director is the Widow of a Veteran.   Also for the first time I was at a Veterans event and not everyone was if leathers.  The Goldthwaite Lions Club did great, the student council of the Middle School served lunch and when the roll was called they delivered carnations to all the Veterans, and Widows of Veterans.  I have not done many of these, but I enjoyed it and if able will do it again.

One of the presenters was there to promote a book she wrote called "Lest we Forget". It is about people from Mills County that lost their lives during WWII.  There were about 43 of them, and one was a Woman flyer who died in North Africa.  The reason that the book was written is that one young man who died was forgotten about when the county built a memorial to those who fell during World War II.  The book is $25 and I believe I am going to buy it.  All the proceeds go to the museum in town (Unless you buy it on Amazon, then they only get $11).  But since I am here I will buy it at the museum.   I will report on the book here after I read it.

Theses are a few pictures that I took with my phone at lunch

This is the photographer who took pictures of everyone that got a carnation.

These are Dean and my carnations.  He got a red one, I got a white one because they did it alphabetically by last names, and H and T are just far enough apart that we got one of each color.

So it has been a good week, I am getting healthier, and really want to go back to work.  If I can't drive, I will try to get a position that I can do from home, and of course I will need to actually find a place to live at that point, status here is just temporary.
Thanks for reading.   Comments are encouraged.  I do still moderate them, but all will be posted.   I am working on an interview that I did on Wednesday with a lady that came to the Senior Center to talk about organ donation.   I have notes, and pictures but that will be a seperate post.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and story

Dave  (Bounce) Talley

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