Tonight I sit in a church dining area in Arlington VA typing this blog. I am tired, and looking forward to going to bed early. In the morning I am going to the Wall, I am going to watch the the Navajo Gourd Dance Society Honor us at dawn. They came here all the way from Gallup NM and I have two friends that have been inducted into this society. The feeling of the Gourd Dance, and the spirit that moves around them is unique and wonderful. They know how to welcome warriors because they are a race of warriors.
Today's ride was great, good weather, at least until tonight it may rain on the few of us that still camp. The transition onto Interstate 81 north from Interstate 64 east went very very smoothly. All the trucks moved into the right lane when I asked them to, and the cars followed them because we had a road guard waving a flag, and we all know that four wheelers think trucks know what is going on. In fact it went so smoothly I missed it. I posted below the hill about 1/2 mile from the interchange and did not see the transition, but this time the trucks heard me and moved, they also thanked me for making it so that they would not be held up, it was Great.
Then something happened that is extremely rare for me, I was left completely speechless. Bill Rocket Rager summoned me to his office (that is what I think of when called to meet him at his bike). Indian Scout, a 76 year old Road Guard ( I hope I can move half as well as he does now when I am 60) told me that Rocket wanted me and he was not real happy. I wanted to duck it but Scout told me it was better to get a butt chewing done quick and while the chewer is hot and doesn't have time to think about it. So I went and I got
something I did not expect. I will let the picture tell the story.
Tomorrow we finalize this years mission and visit the Wall. As I sit here in Arlington VA I can feel that place to my east. It is a scary place for me, and I still struggle to walk the entire wall, but I will do it this year for Chuck Huskey, he died in Strugis SD in 1981 in a helicopter crash, during the Cold War. He was too young to be on that Wall, but I still honor him with my ride, and remember the fun we had. I also will be honoring a friends Uncle that died in a helicopter crash in Vietnam.
One final note then I will post the pictures, thanks to all the folks from Run For The Wall that have read these words in the last month, there are over 1400 of you, and I appreciate it.
Dave Bounce Talley
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