We are a big family that is the Run is a big family. There are probably 3 to 4 thousand folks that have done the Run, and follow it every year. We do not all get to go every year, but when we can't make it we still follow the riders, their blogs, the news reports, the face book and you tube postings. I am glad I could make this year for my Dad , and my Brother, Shoreparty made it all the way again this year too. He had to swich to his car after Colorado, but he still participated and fullfilled a vital part of the mission.
Everyone that participates in Run for the wall, from the Veterans that show up just to salute us out of parking lots in the morning, to the thousands of folks who stand out in rain, sleet, hail, high winds, or just down right beuatiful weather to wave, or salute us, to the people that collect funds all year to pay for gas, or buy the food that is prepared for us, and freely given to riders are vital to the Mission of Run for the wall.
It doesn't matter if you go one leg, or all ten days. It doesn't matter if you only stand on an overpass, or simply post a comment on the RFTW forum. Everyone is part of the family. There are some riders that have done a volunteer position every year, there are other that just come out to L.A. to support us there. There are some like my friend Krazy Karl, who emails me and calls me to remind me how important what we do is.
There is he Shadow, who is intragal to the Run. All of these people are important because they believe like I do in the mission. That mission has been added to but it is still the same. We ride for those who can't.
This year I rode for my Dad, and my Brother, but I also rode for myself. I was the lead of the communications team, and I trained two wonderful folks to keep this vital service going.
I am not saying I can't do the Run in 2016. I want to. My friend Curtis Hubbel once told me "Don't you quit this run, you need it as much as we need you." I won't quit it. But this year I have been off work almost 3 full months, and I see no way I can go all the way in 2016. I will try to participate in some way, but I do not think it will be all the way. Even if I just make phone calls to Reed Black at Land Line now, I will be supporting the mission.
We the riders of Run for the Wall have to keep going, until everyone comes home. I told a truck driver on the CB radio a few years ago (I have restated this probably 200 times in the last 5 years) If having these bikes out here on the highway bothers you, if you want us to stop what we are doing you can get that done. Simply inform you Senators or Congressmen that they have got to do their job and bring the missing and those that have not come home from all wars (Some think this run is about Vietnam, it is, but it isn't) 17,000 or more missing since WWI. We are getting the remains back from Vietnam, and Korea, and Japan and Germany every day. If you know some one who has a loved one who went to war, and was never returned tell them to get online. JPAC has hundreds of remains that they want to identify, but DNA testing is relatively new.
OK sorry this one went long.
Everyone ride safe, and remember even if you can't participate, you can support the Run in several ways.