I sure wish I could have fished more this summer, but I had to work pretty much every day. I am trying to earn enough to cover all the bills so that when I do the Run For The Wall I won't be in such a deep hole that I cannot recover. Either way I am doing the mission, cause I just have to.
Clyde is safely at a friends house, he needs tires and an oil change, but the wonky transmission problem that kept us out of Rolling Thunder this year is solved, seems he was a little low on oil is all.
Thoughts of a guy that rides way too little and drives way too much. About motorcycle riding and truck driving. The two can be done, just not at the same time
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
2011 Run for the Wall
This video is produced by the Jackson County, MO Sheriff's Department. Thanks to them and all the Law Enforcement Officers in Missouri, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and Washington D.C. that helped all of us on the Central Route of Run For The Wall 2011 get our mission done safely. In addition there are a few snow plow drivers in Arizona that have my thanks too.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Patriot Guard Showing up for USMC Sgt. Balduf
This video goes with the below post. We will not let it happen to our troops, not now, not ever again. You have the right to do and say what you want, but we have the right to support our troops, and believe me when I say they are watching these things.
Seven words, two sentences Heavy thoughts
They are only seven words. Two sentences. Most soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen did not hear them when returning from Vietnam. What are these words? They are so simple, and their healing properties are phenomenal. Some Vietnam Veterans have never heard them, but a few that have done Run For The Wall have. In the 6 years that I have done this run I have said them many times. But more importantly I say them almost every day when I am not on the Run. Every time I see someone in Uniform, or someone that is obviously a member of our current military I say them. Think about this, there is no one that is in uniform today that has not volunteered to serve in a time that our nation is at war. These folks are motivated , brave, smart and brave. They are aware that every time they leave the country they may not return home in once piece or alive.
Most of the folks that read this blog know what those seven words are, and proudly use them as I do, for those of you who do not know here they are:
Welcome Home. Thank you for your service.
When I use them I always shake the soldiers hand and I have on occasion bought them lunch or dinner, mostly without them knowing because if they know I am doing this they will not accept it. They are as proud as my generation, and my Father's and Grand Father's generation were. The American fighting man and woman of today are to be congratulated and celebrated. They know that we are at war and the still serve. My generation and some of the people that are a few years younger than I am should be ashamed that so many of the folks that refused to serve during Vietnam. Many many more served, and actually if you check the statistics, many more volunteered than were drafted. Once again the news media does not report this, because they do not understand it.
Thank you for your service. Welcome home. Honestly given praise, that shamefully America did not offer to it's Vietnam Vets. But it is offered now because the Vietnam Vets will not allow our troops to be treated as they were.
Most of the folks that read this blog know what those seven words are, and proudly use them as I do, for those of you who do not know here they are:
Welcome Home. Thank you for your service.
When I use them I always shake the soldiers hand and I have on occasion bought them lunch or dinner, mostly without them knowing because if they know I am doing this they will not accept it. They are as proud as my generation, and my Father's and Grand Father's generation were. The American fighting man and woman of today are to be congratulated and celebrated. They know that we are at war and the still serve. My generation and some of the people that are a few years younger than I am should be ashamed that so many of the folks that refused to serve during Vietnam. Many many more served, and actually if you check the statistics, many more volunteered than were drafted. Once again the news media does not report this, because they do not understand it.
Thank you for your service. Welcome home. Honestly given praise, that shamefully America did not offer to it's Vietnam Vets. But it is offered now because the Vietnam Vets will not allow our troops to be treated as they were.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Run for the Wall 2011 Missouri
This video is just one Overpass in Missouri, pretty much every one we went under had people lined from end to end. The deputies and motorcycle officers that supported us in this state did a great job. The rolling road block worked well. Traffic kept flowing in front of and behind us. There were very little delays in Missouri this year. Thanks for all the support
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Home At Last
Another Mission completed, 6500 plus miles, and my butt is sore. Clyde has been unpacked, and next time I am home I will clean him up and change his oil. He ran like a champ but I am a little worried about his transmission. All that fast down shifting is probably not good for him. But he is not complaining. Total MPG was a little over 45 MPG for the entire run. Not to shabby, and Clyde now has 40,000 miles on him. Not even broken in.
I enjoyed this years Run, and stopped back in at Rainelle for a visit on the way home. I also had dinner with Bones Pouge in Lewisburg on the way back. He is a great guy, and I really respect him and his opinions. Well that is about it. I am guessing that my readership will drop down now that I am not on the Run. That is OK. Just remember this Blog is not dedicated to the Run For The Wall, but the writer is.
Thanks Reed Black, Glen Jones, Joey Holiday, Krazy Karl Haartz, Harry Steelman, Dave Gladwill, and all the folks on all the teams on RFTW 2011. You folks made my Run this year. Jonesy next time I call at midnight it would be nice not to keep me on hold until thirty minutes before the Vtwin Alarm Clock goes off.
Thanks again, especially to the riders, you did great. See you all next year.
Out and standing by on the side
I enjoyed this years Run, and stopped back in at Rainelle for a visit on the way home. I also had dinner with Bones Pouge in Lewisburg on the way back. He is a great guy, and I really respect him and his opinions. Well that is about it. I am guessing that my readership will drop down now that I am not on the Run. That is OK. Just remember this Blog is not dedicated to the Run For The Wall, but the writer is.
Thanks Reed Black, Glen Jones, Joey Holiday, Krazy Karl Haartz, Harry Steelman, Dave Gladwill, and all the folks on all the teams on RFTW 2011. You folks made my Run this year. Jonesy next time I call at midnight it would be nice not to keep me on hold until thirty minutes before the Vtwin Alarm Clock goes off.
Thanks again, especially to the riders, you did great. See you all next year.
Out and standing by on the side
Monday, May 30, 2011
Rainelle, WV a small town that lives for four days a year
Today I rode back through Rainelle, WV and it was deserted. All the riders left yesterday, and there was almost no one there. LZ rainelle was still there as was a replica of the Wall, and the folks with the Agent Orange quilts were there. I met with the guy that originated LZ Rainelle, and he told me that the town just does not have enough rooms or camping area to sustain the number of folks that participate. Most either go to Lewisburg, and the Run takes up most of those rooms till Friday Morning, or to Somerville, and that is almost an hour and a half away. But they still had a good turn out. They have a church service on Sunday and all the bleachers were full.
I got the rocker for my LZ Rainelle pin.
\I also got some history from one of the residents about the first run. They camped in a field near town, and the Mayor did not exactly want the bikers there. He did later try to run for re election stating he brought them there, but that went no where, as the folks in Rainelle knew he did not like the bikers.
Hot day, and I am tired. I will be home tomorrow.
I got the rocker for my LZ Rainelle pin.
\I also got some history from one of the residents about the first run. They camped in a field near town, and the Mayor did not exactly want the bikers there. He did later try to run for re election stating he brought them there, but that went no where, as the folks in Rainelle knew he did not like the bikers.
Hot day, and I am tired. I will be home tomorrow.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
The Road Home is always long.
I am on the Road Home. It is always long. Looking at my stats there are a lot of folks looking at my blog, and some of you are active duty. Thank You for reading my writing. I hope you enjoyed the photos. I have a few more.
Today I rode an extra few miles to try to find a better transition for the Run in Virginia. The move from I-64 to I-81 is short, hard for oncoming trucks to see, and tough to get done right. Unfortunately there is no way to get to the easier ramp without stopping traffic at over a dozen lights. So we will be doing it the hard way. I did find that going south a little further will work for talking to trucks. I can contact the trucks sooner, and with the right words they moved this year, and the cars went with them. It went so smooth that I did not see the pack do it, and when I came up the hill they were gone. That was OK, I was almost sure they had already gone by, but when the Chase two truck came up the ramp I new for sure. Of course the trikes and bikes with trailers had gone ahead so the pack was a lot shorter. As our riders get older the seem to need more stuff, or maybe it is just more stable rides. I met a gal that came from Wentzville, MO with us that rides a trike, and she is a little over 70, but she does not look it, and she is a great rider.
This may surprise some of the riders that rode with me, but this was the best run ever for me. I did it on the cash I had allowed myself to use, almost, but did not use credit. I got to camp a lot and meet new friends and talk with old friends. It was a great trip. The weather was challenging, but we all survived it. There is a special patch for the ones that rode into Williams AZ, and it is cool. A snowman riding a bike up hill. It is in black and white, but that is also cool cause we were riding at night so everything was pretty much black, except that snow, it was white, real white.
The Riders are making their way home, I had dinner with Bones tonight, he is a great guy, and a good friend. I would never have known him but for the Run, but we now talk at least once a month, and sometimes more often. He is a busy man as I am but both of us will always take time to talk to friends.
Tonight at Lewisburg, WV Bones and I met one of the Waitresses from Applebees and she got the information for the Run Web page, she stated that she would not mind going to the wall, but she doesn't ride a bike. Little does she know, we told her to join the forum and read up on what we do. Who knows, we may have recruited an new FNG for next year. For those of you who do not know it that is a term of endearment on the Run and it stands for Fun New Guy or Gal.
Today I rode an extra few miles to try to find a better transition for the Run in Virginia. The move from I-64 to I-81 is short, hard for oncoming trucks to see, and tough to get done right. Unfortunately there is no way to get to the easier ramp without stopping traffic at over a dozen lights. So we will be doing it the hard way. I did find that going south a little further will work for talking to trucks. I can contact the trucks sooner, and with the right words they moved this year, and the cars went with them. It went so smooth that I did not see the pack do it, and when I came up the hill they were gone. That was OK, I was almost sure they had already gone by, but when the Chase two truck came up the ramp I new for sure. Of course the trikes and bikes with trailers had gone ahead so the pack was a lot shorter. As our riders get older the seem to need more stuff, or maybe it is just more stable rides. I met a gal that came from Wentzville, MO with us that rides a trike, and she is a little over 70, but she does not look it, and she is a great rider.
This may surprise some of the riders that rode with me, but this was the best run ever for me. I did it on the cash I had allowed myself to use, almost, but did not use credit. I got to camp a lot and meet new friends and talk with old friends. It was a great trip. The weather was challenging, but we all survived it. There is a special patch for the ones that rode into Williams AZ, and it is cool. A snowman riding a bike up hill. It is in black and white, but that is also cool cause we were riding at night so everything was pretty much black, except that snow, it was white, real white.
The Riders are making their way home, I had dinner with Bones tonight, he is a great guy, and a good friend. I would never have known him but for the Run, but we now talk at least once a month, and sometimes more often. He is a busy man as I am but both of us will always take time to talk to friends.
Tonight at Lewisburg, WV Bones and I met one of the Waitresses from Applebees and she got the information for the Run Web page, she stated that she would not mind going to the wall, but she doesn't ride a bike. Little does she know, we told her to join the forum and read up on what we do. Who knows, we may have recruited an new FNG for next year. For those of you who do not know it that is a term of endearment on the Run and it stands for Fun New Guy or Gal.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Mission Accomplished
All riders safely made it to the Wall today, even though we were pelted by hail stones the size of ping pong balls in WV, and rode through a snow storm in AZ, no one was seriously injured, and except for mechanical break downs, no bikes were badly damaged either. All in all it was a good run.
Next year will be better. Thanks to all that have read this, keep following it I will be telling the tale of Clyde and me heading home, and I post lots of good stuff during the year. This Blog is not dedicated to the Run For The Wall, but the writer, and rider is.
Next year will be better. Thanks to all that have read this, keep following it I will be telling the tale of Clyde and me heading home, and I post lots of good stuff during the year. This Blog is not dedicated to the Run For The Wall, but the writer, and rider is.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day 10 is done, The mission May never be done

Tonight I sit in a church dining area in Arlington VA typing this blog. I am tired, and looking forward to going to bed early. In the morning I am going to the Wall, I am going to watch the the Navajo Gourd Dance Society Honor us at dawn. They came here all the way from Gallup NM and I have two friends that have been inducted into this society. The feeling of the Gourd Dance, and the spirit that moves around them is unique and wonderful. They know how to welcome warriors because they are a race of warriors.
Today's ride was great, good weather, at least until tonight it may rain on the few of us that still camp. The transition onto Interstate 81 north from Interstate 64 east went very very smoothly. All the trucks moved into the right lane when I asked them to, and the cars followed them because we had a road guard waving a flag, and we all know that four wheelers think trucks know what is going on. In fact it went so smoothly I missed it. I posted below the hill about 1/2 mile from the interchange and did not see the transition, but this time the trucks heard me and moved, they also thanked me for making it so that they would not be held up, it was Great.
Then something happened that is extremely rare for me, I was left completely speechless. Bill Rocket Rager summoned me to his office (that is what I think of when called to meet him at his bike). Indian Scout, a 76 year old Road Guard ( I hope I can move half as well as he does now when I am 60) told me that Rocket wanted me and he was not real happy. I wanted to duck it but Scout told me it was better to get a butt chewing done quick and while the chewer is hot and doesn't have time to think about it. So I went and I got
something I did not expect. I will let the picture tell the story.
Tomorrow we finalize this years mission and visit the Wall. As I sit here in Arlington VA I can feel that place to my east. It is a scary place for me, and I still struggle to walk the entire wall, but I will do it this year for Chuck Huskey, he died in Strugis SD in 1981 in a helicopter crash, during the Cold War. He was too young to be on that Wall, but I still honor him with my ride, and remember the fun we had. I also will be honoring a friends Uncle that died in a helicopter crash in Vietnam.
One final note then I will post the pictures, thanks to all the folks from Run For The Wall that have read these words in the last month, there are over 1400 of you, and I appreciate it.
Dave Bounce Talley
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 8 done 599 motor cycles and one Vespa Scooter
Bounce Out and on the side
Day 7 done, goal on raising money with kife reached, all safe
OK first things first Clyde lived up to his threat yesterday. He tried it in a rest area, where I am sure the truckers would have applauded considering some of my fellow riders antics in the last 6 days, but I actually did an Arty Johnson move at the end of the Corydon IN on ramp yesterday evening. Nothing hurt but my pride, Clyde as usual landed on his crash bars. Pride hurt because there were about 6 road guards and three sheriff's deputies standing there. When good old Clyde started to go over I just jumped off of him and sprawled on the ground and moaned very loudly. When the Sheriff's deputy nearest me got to me and asked if I was OK, I told him yes, but please get the bike up. He and a few of the Run Road Guards picked Clyde up, I then proceeded to jump up, get on the bike, and just then someone yelled (Fuel Crew coming in) I said "I am OK, and road off to the Wal-Mart parking lot. Man I was tired, very tired. I got some stuff to relieve the pain on the bottoms of my feet, and some more batteries and an air mattress pump, mine died, and went down to the camp ground for dinner and a well deserved rest. No post last night because I could not get enough band width to do it. Got my daily check call done though
We visited with some folks at Jefferson Barracks, and the singer of the National anthem (He has done this 6 times for us) was once again great. Talked with a survivor, MIA POW from the Battle of the Bulge. I thanked him for insuring my freedom, and welcomed him home. This man is very lucky because the German Army did not allow many prisoners to survive, they could not ship them to Germany, and they had no food to share with them in Bastogne, they just shot them instead. But War is not pretty, and we won that one any way.
The ride yesterday was pretty good. We had two bikes my little prat fall and one bike went off on a curve onto an on ramp. No real damage to Clyde (I think he may have said he was planning of embarrassing me anyway) The bike that lost it in the curve broke a fog lamp, and a few screws holding windshield on is about all. Rider had a grass stained shirt and some bruises, but that was it. All in all it was a good day. Woke up this morning looking forward to more warm weather, and clear skies. Should be a good day.

We visited with some folks at Jefferson Barracks, and the singer of the National anthem (He has done this 6 times for us) was once again great. Talked with a survivor, MIA POW from the Battle of the Bulge. I thanked him for insuring my freedom, and welcomed him home. This man is very lucky because the German Army did not allow many prisoners to survive, they could not ship them to Germany, and they had no food to share with them in Bastogne, they just shot them instead. But War is not pretty, and we won that one any way.
The ride yesterday was pretty good. We had two bikes my little prat fall and one bike went off on a curve onto an on ramp. No real damage to Clyde (I think he may have said he was planning of embarrassing me anyway) The bike that lost it in the curve broke a fog lamp, and a few screws holding windshield on is about all. Rider had a grass stained shirt and some bruises, but that was it. All in all it was a good day. Woke up this morning looking forward to more warm weather, and clear skies. Should be a good day.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Bounce you do that again and I will dump you
Clyde to Bounce, dropping my shifter into 1st gear at a high enough speed to bump the rev limiter, is Bad real bad. Do it again and I will dump you butt onto the highway.
Clyde has spoken
Clyde has spoken
Kansas City was great, or at least the police support was
Today we went through Kansas City Kansas. This town always scares me on the Run because of the problems in 05. Today did not go flawlessly, but the pack stayed together, and that is the important part. Tomorrow I will be working trucks again. Big shout out to Reed Black and OOIDA for all their support. I do send Reed an email every day with what little information I have and he does wonders with it. Truck traffic in our path and headed east has been minimal, and truck traffic going west knows who we are and what we are doing. Krazy told me I would not have to talk much, and darn it he was right. I may have worked myself out of a job.
enough for now, bed time for the Bounce cause he is tired....weather was bad but not while we were there, and it looks OK for tomorrow.
enough for now, bed time for the Bounce cause he is tired....weather was bad but not while we were there, and it looks OK for tomorrow.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day Five Done, tomorrow we are in Injun Country
Finished Day Five today, Breakfast was awesome, the weather has been great the last two days, just a little rain last night before we left Colorado, and today it was in the80's. We have a little over 300 bikes in the pack. Leadership is OK, but could be firmer but what do I know. Attitude of the trucks is changing, they support what we are doing, but the way some folks are riding the trucks are really scared that someone will get killed. I have relayed this to leadership, they are working it, but if it does not change, I know how to get to DC and will just go there on my own. Enough negative, I do not control the pack I just ride in it, and it will get better. If I have to leave it will be because of time constraints and not any thing any rider, or person other than a rider does. I do what I do for my own reasons.

Angel Fire to Goodland Day 4 done
I am tired and have to go to bed, it was a 400 mile day, and although I can drive my big truck 690 plus miles a day, 400 on a motorcycle (even one as coll and comfortable as Clyde) takes its toll. But here are the pictures from yesterday and today:

Another FNG in Goodland KS. Note the red sky and clear sky. Warmer temps prevailed today, and tomorrow should even be better.
Friday, May 20, 2011
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